
Delima (Punica granatum L.)

PART USEDThe plant is used as medicine are the bark, root bark, fruit peels, leaves, seeds, and flowers. Root bark is dried before use. Rind can be used fresh or after drying.
INDICATIONSRind (shi pi flu) is used to:abdominal pain due to worms,bowel movements containing blood and mucus (dysentery amoeba),chronic diarrhea,bleeding such as hemorrhoids bleeding, vomiting blood, coughing blood, uterine bleeding, rectal bleeding,rectal prolapse,sore throat,inflammation of the ear,whitish (leukorea)stomach pain.
Skin the roots and bark are used for:worms, especially tapeworms (taeniasis),cough,diarrhea.
Flowers are used to:gingivitis,bleeding,bronchitis.
Flesh of fruit is used for:lose weight,worms,thrush, sore throat, hoarseness,High blood pressure (hypertension),frequent urination,rheumatism (arthritis),flatulence
Seeds are used to:reduce fever, cough,poisonedworms.
How to UseFor drugs taken, boiled the root bark or bark that has dried (7 g). Boil rind (10-15 g). Eating fruit (1 fruit) or created juice. Can be mixed with carrot juice.For external use, boil the rind or skin of the root, then use cold water after to rinse his mouth (gargle) in inflamed gums, sore throat, scalded wounds, fungal infections in the feet, or sprayed onto the pubic canal (vagina) to the whitish . Use of pomegranate juice to rinse the mouth ulcer, gingivitis, cavities, or as a compress on drugs that are inflamed hemorrhoids.
EXAMPLE OF USAGE IN THE COMMUNITYWormyWash the roots that have been dried pomegranate (7 g.), then cut into pieces as needed. Boil with one glass of water for 15 minutes. Once cool, strain and drink the water at once.Boil dried and powdered pomegranate skin areca seed (15 g each) with three cups water. Simmer slowly for one hour. Once cool, strain and drink as well before breakfast.Combine pomegranate juice with carrot juice, half a glass each. Stir until evenly distributed, then a drink at the same timeEnter the powder of dried pomegranate seeds (one tablespoon) in a glass of pineapple juice is not too ripe. Toss well, drinking with an empty stomach.
GingivitisWash the pomegranate flowers (seven florets) with clean water, then boiled with a glass of water until boiling. Once cool, strain and use to gargle-gargle.
BleedingBoil some pomegranate flower (20 g) with three glasses of water until the remaining half. Drinking boiled water twice a day, each three-fourths cup.
WoundCombine powdered pomegranate skin of fruit or flowers to taste with sesame oil. Toss well, then apply on the wound.
SprueTake two fresh pomegranates are ripe. Take the following contents of the seeds, then mash until smooth. Add one cup water, stirring evenly, then strain. Use water to rinse, then swallow. Do it 2-3 times a day until healed.
Frequent urinationTake the contents of pomegranate fruit (fresh and ripe, the fruit) and a handful of chives, then cut into pieces as needed. Boil with three glasses of water until the remaining half, remove and let cool. Drinking boiled water twice a day, each three-fourths cup.
WhitishBoil some pomegranate skin dry (30 g) and bitter herbs dry (15 g) with one liter of clean water. Allow the water boiled remaining half. Once cool, strain to three times the clan for a drink, morning, noon and night. Cooking water can also be used to wash the vagina. Especially women who are married, use with a syringe into the vagina.
Long-standing coughTake a pomegranate is not too ripe. Every night before bed, chewing the pomegranate seeds. Discard seeds.
Hoarse voice, dry throatTake a fresh pomegranate, split, and take its contents. Chew, then remove seeds. Apply 2-3 times daily.

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