

Tomatoes are the easiest plants encountered. The color is bright indeed interesting.Besides rich in vitamin C and A, the tomato is said to cure various diseases.
If traced its history, tomato or Lyopercisum esculentum initially found around Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. In France, the tomato is called 'apple of love' or Pomme d'amour.Said to be the apple of love, since tomatoes are believed to be able to recover impotence and increase the number of sperm and increase agility movements.
Tomatoes are also widely used for dishes, like soups, juices, pasta, dllnya. It feels a little sour and even make your appetite increase. Further research by DR. John Cook Bennett from Wiloughby University, Ohio, as the first to examine the benefits of tomatoes, in November 1834, shows that tomatoes can cure diarrhea, gall attack, indigestion and restore liver function. Other researchers from the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland, also found other benefits of tomatoes. According to him, a yellow gel that envelops the seeds of tomatoes to prevent clotting and blood clots that can cause heart disease and stroke.
It is also recognized by the doctor of nutrition, Dr. Leane Suniar Manurung, MSc. Seeing properties of tomatoes so much, good tomatoes are consumed then anyone from an early age. "Moreover timggi tomatoes also contain vitamin C and vitamin A, which is useful to boost immunity." But what kind of tomatoes are best eaten? If you look at the market, we can find tomatoes in two colors, namely red and green. This color difference indicates the content of vitamins. According Leane, a good tomato is red tomatoes consumed. Red tomatoes contain vitamin C and vitamin A five times more than the green tomatoes. The more ripe tomatoes, the rich content of vitamins. "Because of that small children should be accustomed to eat a lot of red tomatoes. This is important for healthy eyes, "says Leane. So, do not hesitate to give the little pelu tomatoes. Since the age of 6 months, a child begins to get used to eat tomatoes are mixed with other vegetables.

In the red pigment in tomatoes, the other has more value. The red color in tomatoes contain more lycopene, an antioxidant substance that can destroy free radicals in the body caused by smoking, pollution and ultraviolet rays. In addition, later known lycopene also efficacious help prevent cell damage that can lead to cervical cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer and pancreatic cancer. "It's not only the lycopene found in tomatoes, but also in red wine, watermelon and papaya. However, the most lycopene found in tomatoes. "Bright Leane.
To get the properties, especially for adults, continued Leane tomatoes should be eaten every morning as much as one or two pieces. Sour taste in tomato derived from citric acid content caused fresh tomatoes, so it can increase appetite. Sour taste is very good dokonsumsi as we experience nausea or consumed by the women who have PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome). If not strong with taste masamnya, especially for those who have ulcer disease, Leane not recommend taking it even if in the form of juice is added sugars, because akanmemperburuk disease conditions.
Unlike other vegetables are more beneficial if eaten raw, tomatoes were better mixed with food or crushed before eating. The researchers found lycopene in tomatoes was issued more than a tomato eaten directly without being processed first. Unfortunately, although the content of lycopennya abundant, tomato paste and tomato sauce sold in the market has a lot of spiked food additives such as dyes or synthetic preservatives. This additional material would stimulate the emergence of many free radicals that trigger cancer.
Helps reduce the risk of heart problems.
Eliminate fatigue and increase appetite.
Inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the prostate, cervix, breast and endometrium.
Slowing the decline in function of the eye because of the influence of age (age-related macular degeneration).
Reduce the risk of appendicitis.
Helps maintain healthy liver, kidney, and prevent bowel problems.
Eliminate acne.
Treating diarrhea.
Increasing the number of sperm in men.
Restore liver function.
Overcoming obesity.

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