
benefit of galangal

Plant latin name Alpinia galanga is also known by another name laos (Java), Laja(Sunda), langkueh (Minang) etc.. Part of this plant are often used as ingredients are hisroots.
Some diseases that can be treated by galangal is: Various skin diseases, rheumatism, liniment, facilitating urinary

1. Skin disease: Panu, ringworm, scabies, sores, ulcers
Treatment: Treatment outside, where topical pain
Method: - Mash finely with garlic galangal rhizome (1:4 ratio, 1 garlic rhizome 4) to a pulp
- Apply / paste in place of the sick
- For ringworm who have chronic, add this ingredient with vinegar
- To Panu: provide fresh ginger, minced to arise fiber, rub on the affected part

2. Liniment
Treatment: Treatment outside, in the belly rub
Method: - cut the rhizome of ginger, soaked in alcohol
- Rub a slice of rhizome earlier to the sick Comp

3. Rheumatism
Treatment: boiling water bath
Method: - Rinse and then boiled galangal rhizome
- Use the cooking water is still warm for bathing

4. Headache, chest pain, strengthen the stomach, improves digestion
Treatment: made ​​in the kitchen spice
Method: - galangal rhizome is made ​​in the mixed herbs in everyday cooking

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