
Apple (Pyrus Malus)

Apple (Pyrus Malus) can live in areas that have fertile cold air temperatures. This plant is cultivated in Europe, especially in northern temperate regions. Local apples in Indonesia is being famous comes from the area of Malang, East Java. Or also from the area of Mount Pangrango, West Java. In Indonesia, the apples can grow and develop properly if cultivated in areas that have a height of about 1200 meters above sea level. Apple plants categorized as one member of the rose family and have a high-mawaran trees can reach 70-10 feet. Apple leaves are very similar to the leaves of the rose plant. Egg-shaped and decorated with tiny serrations on its edge-serration. At the age of productive, apple usually will bloom in about July. Apple-sized variety is actually a flower that enlarged or expanded so that it becomes dense and contain fruit.

This useful for against : 
1. Diabetes Mellitus
     Ingredients: 1 medium sized apple seeds.
     How to make: cut into 4 pieces and boiled with water 3-4
     cups to boil down to 2 cups.
     How to use: drink early in the afternoon, and performed regularly.

2. Diarrhea
     Ingredients: apples are not quite ripe.
     How to use: commonly eaten

Angsana (Pterocarpus indicus Willd.)

Tree, 10-40 m. high End of the branch-haired. Leverage Leaf shape lanceolate, 1-2 cm long. Leaves alternate. Child 5-13 leaves, elongated oval, pointed, blunt, shiny once, 4-10 times from 2.5 to 5 cm; child lk stalk 0.5 to 1.5 cm. Bunches of flowers at the end and sat in the armpits, a little or not branched, brown-haired, many flowering, 7-11 cm long; children stems from 0.5 to 1.5 cm; flowers are very fragrant. Calyx bell shaped to form a tube, toothed 5, lk 7 mm high. Orange yellow crown.
Corolla hoof; field flag round or oval shape inverted, doubled strong, arched back, the center line approximately 1 cm; keel shorter than wings, pale. Ovaries or bushy-haired, short-stemmed, ovule 2-6. Stemmed leguminous above the rest of petals, almost round the circle, with a beak on the side, very flat, winged its surroundings, does not open, lk 5 cm diameter, on the side yarig Iebar with a mother leaves a thick bone. Seeds mostly 1. Often planted; 100-800 m. Note: The wood has a color and excellent quality; used as building materials and wood furniture. In Maluku, this tree produces "root wood" (wortelhout) is good. His skin was used as a remedy; in the tree alive rnengandung blood red liquid. Parts used Bark, sap (resin) and young leaves.
Adstringen and diuretics.

Kidney stones.
Thrush mouth (gargle).

Young leaves:
Ulcers (external drug).

Sap (Kino):
Wounds (external drug).
Oral thrush (outside medicine).


Kidney Stones
Angsana 3 grams of bark
Leaves Keji beling 2 grams
Leaves Mustache cat 4 grams
Water 115 ml

How to manufacture:
Created by infusion or poured boiling water.

How to use:
Drink 1 a day 100 ml. When the stone has come out, either crystal or cloudy urine or urine is foamy, the provision of herbal medicine is stopped. Then continued to drink tea leaf cat Mustache 6% in water. 6 grams of leaf Mustache cat brewed with boiling water as many as 100 ml. Drunk like tea drinking habits.

Thrush Mouth
Bark Angsana 4 grams
Saga leaf 4 grams
fresh Sirih Leaf  3 leaves
Water 115 ml

How to manufacture:
Created by infusion or poured boiling water.
If necessary add 10 grams of gypsum in the supernatant, silenced for a while, then strained and taken part nodes. (The cast can be bought in pharmacies or chemical store.)

How to use:
For the mouthwash, every 3 hours, each time using 50 ml, if necessary, can be diluted with water.

Boils are washed with clean water or alcohol 70%. Then leaf Angsana kneaded and placed on the ulcer. Updated every 3 hours.

Andong (Cordyline fruticosa (L) A. Cheval.)

Branched shrub; height 2-4 m. Twigs with the former ring-shaped leaf fall. Leaves crowded at the end of the twig with a spiral arrangement; stalks form gutters, leaf strands form a line or lanceolate, 1-13 cm 20-60 times, with wedge-shaped base and pointed tip, green or red or Iorek. Flower panicles axillary, long-stemmed, branching wide, with a large protective leaves at the base of the branch. Child protective leaves at the base of a small flower. Leaf flower tent 6, elongate, length 1.3 cm, 3 which outside at the bottom half attached, close to the inside, the top part off and curved backward again. Stamens 6, imbedded in the flower tent. Head short pistil 3 Taju. Fruit ± buni spherical, shiny red. Shiny black seeds. From East Asia. In the garden and fence, the cemetery; 1-1900 m. Parts used are the leaves.

1. Coughing up blood.
2. Dysentery.
3. Menstruation too much.
4. Bleeding hemorrhoids.

Coughing blood, too much Menstruation
Andong fresh leaves 5 ​​pieces
Sufficient water

How to manufacture:
Created infusion, brewed, or crushed.

How to use:
Drink 1 a day 100 ml. To pee, diminurn 1 times a day 1 / 4 cup.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated until healed.

Andong fresh leaves 3 leaves
7 strands of leaf fresh Wungu
Boiled water to taste

How to manufacture:

How to use:
Taken 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, every drink 1 / 4 cup.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 14 days.

Alang Alang (Imperata cylindrica (L.)Beauv.)

Posture: herb, grass, creeping, 30-180 cm tall. Trunk: rhizome, creeping under the soil, forming a single inflorescence stems erect, solid, in his book rarely hairy. Leaves: single, base close to each other, strands, ribbon-shaped, sharp pointed tip, straight, coarse, hairy rarely, size 12-80 cm. x 35-18 cm. Flowers: composition compound compound grains, rather furl, 6-28 cm long, each branch has 2 grain, 2.5 to 5 cm branch, flower stalks 1-3 mm, gluma 1; tip of ciliated, 3-6 veins, Lemma 1 (chaff); broad ovate, short cilia from 1.5 to 2.5 mm. Lemma 2 (husk), elongated, tapering from 0.5 to 2.5 mm. Palea (husks); 0.75 to 2 mm. Stamens: anthers 2.5 to 3.5 mm, yellowish white or purple. Stigma: the stigma of feather-shaped. Fruit: type rice. Seed: shape elliptic, 1 mm long. Flowering time: January to December. Regional distribution, Habitat and Cultivation: In Java grew at a height of up to 2700 m asl, in areas of open or half closed, the marsh; in soil with good aeration, in areas which open out, on the banks of the river; extensive secondary forests; area burned; as a weed in fields, gardens and plantations. This plant can influence the cultivation of other crops, because it needs a relatively high sodium. Multiplication: multiply by itself. Every time the roots are harvested from plants that have been mature. Pale-colored rhizome good, taste sweet and cool. Reed to menuyebabkan decrease soil pH. The amount of decrease in pH and barriers to the process of nitrification showed a positive correlation with the growth of reeds.
Curable Disease:
Rhizome: skin softener; facilitating urine, blood cleansers, appetite enhancer, stop the bleeding. in addition it can be used also in treatment efforts venereal diseases (gonorrhea, blood urine, lion king), kidney disease, injury, fever, high blood pressure and nerve disease. All parts of plants used as animal feed, paper materials, and for the treatment of ringworm. BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF PHARMACOLOGY infusa and reed rhizome effect as a diuretic, on the basis of increasing concentrations of electrolytes (Na, K, Cl) male white rat urine. Giving infusa reed roots with a dose of 40, 50, 60, 70 g / kg antipyretic effect on the guinea pig. Infusa reed flowers at a concentration of 10% with a dose of 12 ml / kg antipyretic effect of paracetamol suspensions are relatively equal to 10% in pigeons. Clinical test: Dekokta reed roots with dose 250-300 g, 2 times morning and evening to cure 27 cases from 30 patients with acute nephritis. In chronic nephritis, herbaceous weeds can reduce edema and lower blood pressure. Dekokta herbs 250 g in the singular or combined with roots and leaves of Nelumbo nucifera and Agrimonia pilosa leaves to treat epistaxis (nosebleeds), haemoptysis (coughing up blood), hematuri (urinating blood), menorrhagia, and upper gastrointestinal bleeding. In addition it was reported also that Dekokta reed roots can be effective for the treatment of acute viral hepatitis in 28 cases; usually used together with Plantago asiatica, Glechoma longituba and Artemisia capillaris buds. Toxicity: In the use according to the rules, practically not toxic. Securities not dfinginkan: Dizziness, nausea, increased bowel movements curiosity, sometimes occurs in clinical use. Pharmaceutical Technology: Cellulose leaf weeds on the water absorption has a relatively well in the manufacture of tablets by direct compression.
Only the roots (rhizomes) used for the treatment of


As a laxative urine:
49 dried rhizome, cut into pieces and then added with 2 cups of water and boiled until the volume of water to 1 cup, filtered, then taken 2 times a day.

Fever due to bloody urination:
1 tablespoon full of reed rhizome, boil with a few pieces of pliers kwe (half-ripe fruit flesh beligu made ​​candied dried) in two glasses of water to live up to half. This drink 2 glasses of water a day. Urine will be normal and the body temperature down.

"Zwartwaterkoorts" (BLD):
Drinking boiled water as tea alang grass roots.