
Apple (Pyrus Malus)

Apple (Pyrus Malus) can live in areas that have fertile cold air temperatures. This plant is cultivated in Europe, especially in northern temperate regions. Local apples in Indonesia is being famous comes from the area of Malang, East Java. Or also from the area of Mount Pangrango, West Java. In Indonesia, the apples can grow and develop properly if cultivated in areas that have a height of about 1200 meters above sea level. Apple plants categorized as one member of the rose family and have a high-mawaran trees can reach 70-10 feet. Apple leaves are very similar to the leaves of the rose plant. Egg-shaped and decorated with tiny serrations on its edge-serration. At the age of productive, apple usually will bloom in about July. Apple-sized variety is actually a flower that enlarged or expanded so that it becomes dense and contain fruit.

This useful for against : 
1. Diabetes Mellitus
     Ingredients: 1 medium sized apple seeds.
     How to make: cut into 4 pieces and boiled with water 3-4
     cups to boil down to 2 cups.
     How to use: drink early in the afternoon, and performed regularly.

2. Diarrhea
     Ingredients: apples are not quite ripe.
     How to use: commonly eaten

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