
Andong (Cordyline fruticosa (L) A. Cheval.)

Branched shrub; height 2-4 m. Twigs with the former ring-shaped leaf fall. Leaves crowded at the end of the twig with a spiral arrangement; stalks form gutters, leaf strands form a line or lanceolate, 1-13 cm 20-60 times, with wedge-shaped base and pointed tip, green or red or Iorek. Flower panicles axillary, long-stemmed, branching wide, with a large protective leaves at the base of the branch. Child protective leaves at the base of a small flower. Leaf flower tent 6, elongate, length 1.3 cm, 3 which outside at the bottom half attached, close to the inside, the top part off and curved backward again. Stamens 6, imbedded in the flower tent. Head short pistil 3 Taju. Fruit ± buni spherical, shiny red. Shiny black seeds. From East Asia. In the garden and fence, the cemetery; 1-1900 m. Parts used are the leaves.

1. Coughing up blood.
2. Dysentery.
3. Menstruation too much.
4. Bleeding hemorrhoids.

Coughing blood, too much Menstruation
Andong fresh leaves 5 ​​pieces
Sufficient water

How to manufacture:
Created infusion, brewed, or crushed.

How to use:
Drink 1 a day 100 ml. To pee, diminurn 1 times a day 1 / 4 cup.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated until healed.

Andong fresh leaves 3 leaves
7 strands of leaf fresh Wungu
Boiled water to taste

How to manufacture:

How to use:
Taken 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, every drink 1 / 4 cup.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 14 days.

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