
Ajeran (Bidens pilosa L.)

These plants include wild plants and can be easily found on the roadside. Sometimes planted in the yard, as an ornamental plant. The plant was classified as herb, can reach 150 cm high. Stem quadrangular, green color. The three-three leaves, each egg-shaped, serrated edge. Long-stemmed flowers, white flower crown with yellow pistil. Parts used All parts of plant that are above ground (herb).
1. Fever.
2. Digestion is not good.
3. Rheumatism (joint pain).
4. Colds.
5. Appendix.
6. Hemorrhoids.


Cold and fever
Herba Ajeran (3 grams)
Pule plants that have been destroyed (200 mg)
Sembung leaves (3 grams)
Poko leaves (2 grams)
Water (130 ml)

How to manufacture:
Created by infusion or poured boiling water.

How to use:
Taken 2 times a day, morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated until healed.

Diseases of the appendix should be handled by doctors. If for any reason, your doctor can not be found, this herb can be used.

Herba Ajeran (5 grams)
Water (120 ml)

How to manufacture:
Created by infusion or pills.

How to use:
Taken 2 times a day, morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml, or 3 times a day 9 pill.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 20 days.

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